Privacy Policy De Vlijt B.V.

Last update: June 14, 2023

De Vlijt B.V. considers your privacy to be of great importance. We therefore comply with the provisions of the privacy laws and regulations. This means that your details are safe with us and that we only use them for the purpose for which we collect or have collected them. In this privacy statement we explain for what purpose we collect your data with this website called, what data we collect for that purpose and how long we keep the data.

If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what we track about you, please contact De Vlijt B.V. at

What data do we collect?

The information you provide to us. In general, visitors to our website provide at least their name, phone number and e-mail address. Sometimes they also provide the name of the company they work for.

For what purposes do we use personal data?

We process the personal data voluntarily provided by you to verify whether you have already had a previous collaboration with De Vlijt. We also use your data to establish a possible future cooperation with you and/or your company. In addition, we keep a record of when we have had contact with you.

What contact moments do we record?

We record what we discuss with you. The contact moments are recorded to improve our service and communication. Examples of contact moments we record:

  • Letters and emails we send and receive from you;
  • Conversation notes following telephone conversations;
  • What you do and view on our website (see cookies).

Also, if you have given us permission to keep your contact information, you can withdraw it at any time.

Rights of data subjects

We believe that a transparent privacy statement is important. We also find it important to point out the rights you can exercise. As a data subject you have the right to see your personal data and to (request to) correct, supplement, delete or block them.

Because we work with privacy-sensitive data, we consider it very important that third parties cannot use your private data. For this reason, we consider it important that you can only access your data if you personally request it, so that we can establish your identity with certainty.

You can also ask us to supplement, correct, rectify or delete your data. You also have the right to rectification and erasure of your data (the right to oblivion).

You have the right to limit data processing. This means that you can request us to stop some of the data processing and continue some of it. You also have the right to data portability.

You can also object to data processing if you consider that your specific interests outweigh our legitimate interest in processing it. If you object to the data processing, we will weigh your objections and then make an informed decision regarding the data processing. If you do not agree or if you feel that we have not helped you in the right way or otherwise disagree with how we handle your data, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. This is the Personal Data Authority.

You also have the right not to be subjected to automated decisions, the right to an effective remedy in court and the right to damages if there is a breach of privacy.

If you have any questions or comments or wish to exercise any of the rights listed please contact us at the email address:


Personal data security is very important to us. We ensure that your data are properly secured. We ensure that, given the state of the art, the security of personal data is sufficient to prevent unlawful processing, unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or loss of data as much as possible.

Only employees authorized by virtue of their position have access to personal data. In doing so, they are contractually bound by a confidentiality clause.

Duty to Report Data Breaches

Feadship and De Vlijt B.V. register all data breaches (minor and major) internally. If there is a data breach with a significant probability of serious adverse consequences for the protection of personal data or if those consequences have already materialized, Feadship reports the data breach to the Personal Data Authority.

Retention periods

In principle, we keep your data for as long as necessary. For our job applicants, this means that we delete their resume after a period of one year, unless they have been hired or unless they give us, after the initial year, permission to keep the resume

Questions, feedback and contact

With this privacy statement we wanted to give you clarity on how we handle your data. We regularly check for compliance with this privacy statement. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, if you would like to make a complaint or if you see areas for improvement of our policy, please contact us: